This Year, Keep It Simple

The gym is packed, shiny new workout gear is flying off the shelves, and you overheard a coworker vehemently espousing the benefits of the new diet fad based around passionate couch-sitting and eating chocolate peanut butter pasta twinkie donuts -- low-carb, of course. That's right, friends, it's New Year's Resolution time!
And while it's easy to overcomplicate diet by ... going on diets ... we recommend you keep it simple in 2016 -- and that you let us help!
Our fresh and organic fruit and vegetable section is the largest in the area, making it easy to find a bountiful array of fresh, wonderful produce. And we pride ourselves on serving real and fresh prepared foods; we make it from scratch without adding anything but quality ingredients.
So keep it simple. Eat real food. And here's to a happy and healthy 2016!